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Events to recruit and support future alumni

The CAREER CENTER fosters relationships between students, companies and alumni through the events it organizes. Depending on the event, you can take part as an alumni to testify or contribute your skills, or as a company employee to recruit your talents.

The school also organizes other events with more specific themes:

  • Annual Management Control Meetings in Provence in April

    In partnership with DFCG Provence, they bring together finance professionals, students and alumni of the Master in Management Control & Reporting.

  • Graduation ceremony

    The IAE Aix-Marseille graduation ceremony takes place every year in May in the IAE gardens on the Puyricard campus. Nearly 450 graduates, including some 60 internationals, receive their diplomas on this occasion, under the patronage of an IAE Aix-Marseille alumni.

    During this ceremony, graduates sign the manager's oath: This is an opportunity for graduates to pronounce and sign the management oath, which IAE Aix-Marseille introduced in 2015. Through this charter, graduates pledge to act as responsible managers, respectful of the environment and the major principles on which our society is founded. These values of corporate social responsibility are at the heart of the "IAE spirit", which seeks to promote more human-centered leadership. Prestigious universities around the world share this vision of management (Harvard, Duke, McGill, MIT, London business school, etc.) and have also adopted this oath.

    Graduation 2019


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