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Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Universitaires


University DESU Diploma Duration : 222 hours 

The DESU (University Studies and Consulting in Management Science) at IAE Aix-Marseille primarily prepares  for careers in higher education and research. It also caters to future consultants and managers who aim to develop strong analytical and methodological skills. It offers the same courses as those offered in the Research Master's program, but only in Semester 1. DESU students do not undertake a research thesis and do not take specialized courses offered in Semester 2. Admission to the DESU program is reserved for candidates who already hold an M2 degree and ideally have significant research experience in management science (e.g., research thesis writing, employment as a research assistant at a university) and have an already advanced research project (5 to 10 pages). They may enroll in a doctoral program at CERGAM upon completion of DESU, provided they have dedicated funding for the doctoral thesis and have obtained approval from a management researcher at Aix-Marseille University, either a Professor or a holder of the Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR). This program will enable you to develop seven key competencies:

  • Understanding the major trends and key theoretical frameworks in management science research, and understanding their origins.
  • Mastering the most advanced qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in management science.
  • Understanding the different epistemological approaches specific to management science, and understanding what constitutes a scientific approach in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Being able to conduct a literature review, develop a research problem, and utilize artificial intelligence tools (databases, bibliometrics, systematic literature reviews) to assist, while understanding the limitations and risks associated with using these tools.
  • Understanding the ethical and environmental issues of research in management in the contemporary world.
  • Communicating research in writing and orally in a rigorous, concise, and structured manner.
  • Understanding the research ecosystem, funding opportunities for doctoral theses, and careers in teaching and research.


This program enables students to acquire all the theoretical and methodological foundations of research in Management Science. Individualized support in acquiring written and oral expression skills relevant to the researcher profession is offered, as well as support in developing the research project. Students can also choose "à la carte" two courses of "advanced research methods" that best correspond to their research project. The following courses are offered:

  • Theory building and epistemological approaches (36 hours)
  • Research design, artificial intelligence for research, and systematic literature review approaches (18 hours)
  • Research project support and skills development - including 15 hours of coaching in small groups - (36 hours)
  • Quantitative research methods (48 hours)
  • Qualitative research methods (48 hours) 

    Two courses to choose from the following three:

  • Advanced quantitative methods (18 hours)
  • Advanced mixed methods (18 hours)
  • Advanced qualitative methods (18 hours)

    A program with an international perspective

    • 222 hours of classes delivered entirely in English.
    • Majority of participants are international, from all five continents.
    • A high-level teaching team, composed exclusively of recognized teacher-researchers who publish in international journals and intervene in their areas of expertise.
    • Integration into the research laboratory, CERGAM (Center for Studies and Research on Management at Aix-Marseille University), and the possibility to participate in international seminars organized by the laboratory.

    Personalized student support on their research projects

    • 15 hours of coaching in small groups to assist students in developing their research project and enhancing their oral and written expression skills.
    • "À la carte" selection of two advanced research methodology courses.
    • Courses are organized over three days (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) to allow for individual work time on Thursday and Friday.
    • Research Master's instructors provide individual guidance and advice to students on their research projects.

Career opportunities and/or further studies :

Career prospects and/or further studies: Most students who have completed the DESU Research program at IAE Aix-Marseille pursue a doctoral degree, with a professional goal of becoming a teacher-researcher in the field of management and management sciences. Numerous job opportunities in this rapidly growing discipline are available both in France and abroad, in universities or in major management schools. Some doctoral graduates opt for consultancy roles, while others choose careers in business or within national or international organizations.


  • Admission requirements

    Candidates are expected to :

    • Hold a Master's degree or be in the process of obtaining one, or its equivalent (Master's, Engineering School, Business School, foreign diploma, or Validation of Professional Experience, etc.).
    • Present a research project (5 to 10 pages) and have the approval of a research professor qualified to supervise research to potentially pursue a doctoral degree upon completion of DESU. The list of thesis supervisors is available on the CERGAM website.
    • Have a good level of English (as the entire program is delivered in English).
    • Candidates must also have a financing plan for potential doctoral studies, either full-time (e.g., CIFRE, young doctoral researcher positions in regions, Eiffel scholarships, Campus France offers, etc.) or part-time (conducting a thesis "on the job" while working part-time).
  • Training costs


    • Initial training : 500 euros
    • Continuing education : 1,500 euros For non-EU foreign diplomas, a request for a Master's exemption must be submitted by June at the latest for the September intake. Online application opens in January.

    In the case of a foreign diploma (outside the EC), a request for exemption from the Master's program must be made in June at the latest for the start of the school year in September.

    On-line applications open in January


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