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InCIAM-CERGAM-IAE guest lecture


IAE Aix-Marseille, Cergam and Inciam co-organize a guest lecture by Pr. Maciej Karwowski: On creative agency

Friday, June 30th 2023


Egger Building, Amphi 1

29 avenue R. Schuman, Aix-en-Provence

Free conference open to all upon registration

Some people greatly overestimate their creative abilities.

Others greatly underestimate their creativity, attributing it only to geniuses and great figures of the past. Which of these two perspectives makes the most sense,

from a pragmatic and scientific point of view? What does the science say?

Two decades of research in the psychology of creativity convincingly demonstrates that understanding how we perceive creativity in general and our potential in particular plays a critical role in self-regulating our actions. What we think about the nature of creativity and our creative skills is of paramount importance!

In this talk, Maciej Karwowsk will synthesize the theories and research on creative agency, showing when, how and why our confidence and the centrality of creativity are important when we act.

Confidence and the centrality of creativity are important when considering creative activity.

Maciej Karwowski, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology and education at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. Dr. Karwowski is the director of the

Creative Behavior Lab and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Creative Behavior.

He has authored or co-authored over 200 articles on creativity research, emphasizing the role of cognitive (e.g., intelligence) and motivational (e.g., learning ability) factors in enriching individuals' creative activity.

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